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If you’d just like to view the notes and minutes from these sessions you can do so on our Trello board here, or see the chat transcript here

Session 1: Crucial Climate Context

Hear from keynote speakers James Shaw, Minister of Climate Change and Tina Ngata about the crucial things for a just transition to a low carbon society. Debate what does this mean for collective action across our three networks?

Session 2:

Get the low down on why we have been issued a challenge to take collective action on climate change. Join the debate about if we should accept the challenge and meet people from across the motu and networks.

No recording available

Session 3: 

Interactive session generating candidate ideas for action if we choose to work collectively on Climate. Be inspired be cases from across the motu and join colleagues similar to you to share ideas.

Session 4: 

See the emerging picture from across the motu. Should we do it? What are the top ideas for action? What will happen next and how you can influence it.

Anchor 1


Snapshot of Inspiring Hub's project  

Brent from Ecomatters (Auckland) will be introducing the Bike Hub, highlighting its sustainable transport, environmental, health and waste benefits. Cath from Envirohub BOP will talk on Precious Plastic Tauranga, a social enterprise based on the successful global movement established by Dave Hakkens in the Netherlands.

Zoom recording here.

Access passcode: &&Yr+5=M

Wednesday 15th September


Finding Funding…Mistakes I didn’t know I was making until I ran a philanthropic trust  

Georgie from Sustainability Trust (Wellington) will talk about funding dilemmas, from her experience both as a grant-seeker and CEO of a funding body within the Wellington region. She'll go over the pitfalls she's found along the way, as well as sharing some top tips from her funding know-how. 

Zoom recording here.

Access passcode: Xy6?+E3t

Diversity on boards  

Jo Wrigley, Manager of Go Eco Hamilton, along with several Go Eco Board Representatives, talk about their journey to promote diversity. They will share their recent conversations, the important questions they identified and how to do more than just have the right words. 

Zoom recording here.

Access passcode: @$C&6Z6C


For any questions about the CEN sessions please email CEN Executive Officer, Gareth Cartwright on:

Anchor 2

Community Energy presentations & questions  


Watch the Session 1 Zoom Recording here

Passcode: Fh2x?u.9

Community Energy Workshop

Facilitated Small group workshop using the presentations from the morning.

Watch the Session 2 Zoom Recording here

Passcode: kG8$K9es


Anchor 3

Zero waste theory of change

A presentation of our recent thinking on the key actions we need to see nationally to become a zero waste nation. This will include presentations from members to illustrate the kind of projects that will make this future a reality. 


Notes - We used Trello to capture notes for this session. You can view the board here.

Session resources

Ewaste panel discussion

An exploration of our points of difference in the ewaste space: reduction, repair and collaboration

Understanding consumerism & behaviour change

People buying and using things is a key activity in the production of waste. Insight into what drives this can help us in our behaviour change work. This will include facilitated group work to uncover the key aspects of behaviour change that network members would like to collaborate on.

Session resources

Session brief


An update on national priorities for organic waste, then a panel discussion and interactive workshop with three of the best composting enterprises in the network. 

Session resources



We used Trello to capture notes for this session. You can view the board here.

Container return schemes with Robbie Kelman

Rob will outline global best practice DRS (Deposit Return Scheme) and some lessons learnt from Australia as Aotearoa shuffles toward implementing a DRS. 

No recording available


Come meet the new ZWN Board and hear all about the zero waste goings on of the last year. Also, your chance to put items up for discussion. 

Session resources

2020 AGM minutes

2021 Annual Report

2021 AGM minutes

AGM Powerpoint

Anchor 4


Session Notes:We've put together some notes from the five pre-hui conversations, and welcome your contribution to these. Link here.

Working with Government
with Byron Terris (Iron Duke) & Sue Coutts (Zero Waste Network)

Network crossover & collaboration projects

Introduction to collective action 

with Billy Matheson

Climate justice & equity

with Emily Bailey (Climate Justice Taranaki

The world will not end

How to build Climate Change conversations into the work you’re already doing. What is the right language to use and could we be doing this from a regional framework? Ruud has been turning yucky conversations into fascinating conversations for decades as NZ’s well-loved bugman.

(No video recording was made for this session, but you can check out the notes from all the sessions here)


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